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Gluten-free chocolate avocado cupcakes

I had no intention of making cupcakes tonight. I haven’t made cupcakes for fun in a long time. On my way home from work tonight, I was thinking of ways to use up that soft avocado that was sitting in my fridge.

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Dark chocolate mousse cups

For most of the year I have a variety of nut and seed butters taking up precious space in my fridge. They’re typically either homemade or poured from the local health food store bulk bins and stored in short, wide-mouthed jars. They sit quietly, waiting to be called upon for cookies, tarts, rice bars, or quite often just a quick spoonful to the mouth. In other words, nut butters are in my line of sight every time I open the fridge, so I’m always looking for ways to use them.

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Raw mint brownie cake

It’s almost time to say goodbye to 2011. Can you believe it? I know most of you are now reflecting on the year that was, thinking about all your memorable moments and making lists of how to live better in 2012.

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Raw mint Nanaimo bars

It’s only the beginning of December and I can already smell the familiar scents of the holiday season. Cinnamon candles, gingerbread cookies, candy canes and hot cocoa are on everyone’s mind once again.

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Chocolate chip sundae sandwiches

Remember the raw dessert demo I did at the Toronto Vegetarian Food Festival back in September? Lisa and I shared some quick and easy ice cream blizzards using the miracle of banana soft serve. It is one of my all-time favourite treats because of its simple preparation: Freeze bananas. Blend until they resemble soft serve. Eat. Repeat.

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Chocolate marshmallow muffins

My first foray into vegan marshmallow land happened shortly after attending Vida Vegan Con. One of the many treats we received in our swag bags was a trial package of Dandies marshmallows. While these have been on the market for some time now, I’ve never had the urge to try them.

Until now.

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