Wholesome walnut raisin cookies
If I close my eyes, I can conjure up memories of childhood visits to my grandmother’s house at Christmas time, where I would always expect to see a large bowl of nuts on the dining-room table.
Nov 15
If I close my eyes, I can conjure up memories of childhood visits to my grandmother’s house at Christmas time, where I would always expect to see a large bowl of nuts on the dining-room table.
Nov 8
It happens every year. As we start to feel the crisp chill in the air and experience the shortened days, my kitchen becomes a warm and comfortable little haven and the need to bake is almost instinctive.
Oct 19
Remember the raw dessert demo I did at the Toronto Vegetarian Food Festival back in September? Lisa and I shared some quick and easy ice cream blizzards using the miracle of banana soft serve. It is one of my all-time favourite treats because of its simple preparation: Freeze bananas. Blend until they resemble soft serve. Eat. Repeat.
Sep 30
Have you heard? The last day of September (that’s today!) is officially Vegan Baking Day. It may not be on the government’s radar, a legal holiday (yet) or a charity marathon with a high media profile that involves racing through the city with a basket of muffins. Simply put, it’s a day to focus on sharing the deliciousness of vegan baked goods with friends, family, neighbours and colleagues.
Jul 18
In the spirit of easy, no-bake summer treats, this raw macaroon recipe is made simply by dehydrating a mixture of dried coconut, dates, agave nectar and coconut butter, along with whatever flavourings you prefer.
May 31
I’ve never been known for showing up late, or waiting until the last minute of a project deadline. I was once that girl who feared losing marks on a school project if I was late handing it in, or being sent to the principal’s office if I tried to sneak into class after the bell.
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