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October Treat of the Month Club

When life gives you rain storms, eat chocolate.

That was the conclusion Lisa and I came to as we headed out the door this morning for our 7th consecutive Treat of the Month Club. The cold, wet day didn’t dampen our plans to deliver this month’s goodies to club members, but we secretly hoped our chocolate-covered sweets would warm their souls and brighten their day.

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My 6 favourite vegan companies

If you’re a frequent online shopper who prefers supporting ethical and eco-friendly products and companies, you’ve likely heard of Vegan Cuts. This little gem of a website was created by fellow Canadian bloggers Jill and John, who wanted to encourage more people to shop with vegan ethics–not just in the grocery store aisles but also when choosing clothing, shoes, and body care and household products. The website, in their own words, “promotes opportunities to save money while eschewing animal cruelty.”

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September Treat of the Month Club

Welcome fall.

Today, as Lisa and I set out with our packages of sweets to share with our Treat of the Month Club members, I think we were both thankful for the crisp chill in the air. Although I love the warmth of summer, the fact that my entire city now feels like the inside of a refrigerator makes it a lot easier to travel with treats. I think fall and winter were made for pastry chefs.

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Vegan cupcakes take over Toronto

The annual special presentation at the Toronto Vegetarian Food Festival often happens at the tail-end of the festivities. This year, “Vegan Cupcakes Take Over Toronto” involved five of Toronto’s top vegan bakeries going head-to-head in a Cupcake Wars-style battle to answer the question: Who makes Toronto’s best vegan cupcake?

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How to make eating vegan cheap, fast and fun

I look forward to the second weekend of September like it’s Christmas. During those two days, Toronto turns into a vegan mecca. If you’ve never attended the Toronto Vegetarian Food Festival (the world’s largest veg fest) then this video created by the Toronto Vegetarian Association is a great sneak peak…

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Ebook release!

You know that feeling of pride and accomplishment when you finish a project you worked so hard on? That’s how I feel about the results of this ebook project, which took many months of recipe development, testing and retesting. It has been a complete labour of love ever since Lisa and I started sharing ideas and dreaming up possibilities late last summer, and so it seemed fitting to share it with you all after this Labour Day long weekend.

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