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Strawberry apple tart

After dealing with a gruelling work week and an endless headache from all the rain, I was grateful for the long weekend to catch up on rest, reading and some much-needed yard work.

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Creamy chocolate torte

As a new recipe contributor to One Green Planet, I’m ecstatic to announce my debut! This fantastic website is dedicated to spreading ideas and knowledge about the environment and vegan living. If you haven’t already come across this site, I suggest you pay a visit.

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Raw lemon tartlets

For the last week and a half I’ve been home alone. My husband went on a golfing trip with his dad and brother, and to say I miss him would be an understatement. When you get used to living with someone and you look forward to seeing him after a long day at work, it’s very disconcerting to come home to an empty house. There is this strange silence that seems to fill the space in an unfamiliar way.

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Raw ice cream sandwich cookies

In case you missed the April in the Raw event over at Real Sustenance, I wanted to share the recipe I contributed on my closing-day guest post.

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Canadians love their doughnuts. So much so, they have become part of our culture. Timbits, the brand name of bite-sized doughnut balls sold at the popular coffee shop franchise Tim Hortons, has become a generic term for what the United States and other parts of the world call “donut holes.”

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