Raw ice cream sandwich cookies
In case you missed the April in the Raw event over at Real Sustenance, I wanted to share the recipe I contributed on my closing-day guest post.
May 4
In case you missed the April in the Raw event over at Real Sustenance, I wanted to share the recipe I contributed on my closing-day guest post.
Canadians love their doughnuts. So much so, they have become part of our culture. Timbits, the brand name of bite-sized doughnut balls sold at the popular coffee shop franchise Tim Hortons, has become a generic term for what the United States and other parts of the world call “donut holes.”
Have you ever thought about baking with asparagus? As in grating it up and throwing it in a batch of muffins? Well, that’s what I did yesterday, without hesitation, because these are the kinds of crazy things I do for the SOS Kitchen Challenge.
Ever since discovering the wonders of raw dessert-making, I’ve been having fun playing with raw cacao in its different forms, including powder, beans and nibs.
Move over stevia, we’ve got a new non-glycemic, raw, natural, low-calorie, organic sweetener in the house! Yacon powder, a sugar substitute made from the root of the South American yacon plant, might just have a chance at becoming my new friend.
When it comes to baking for family, friends or special occasions, some people think it’s necessary to use ingredients outside their diet philosophies. I’m definitely not one of those people. I won’t break out the eggs and butter in order to please other palates
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