Thursday, November 4, 2010

World, please meet leola.

I'm in the midst of recipe testing and book reviewing for upcoming MoFo posts, so I don't have much to offer today. I would, however, like to introduce you to that attention-seeking orange tabby cat I refer to in my "About me" section. Here she is, the queen of the castle, Leola. I know she would be very pleased to meet you—even more so if you give her some attention, preferably in the form of a tummy rub.

She's not a fan of vegan cake, but she does enjoy chatting with me while I'm in the kitchen: Mommy, I want food... Mommy, let me out into the sunroom so I can yell at the birds... Mommy, why do you spend so much time baking instead of paying attention to me? Okay, fine. I'm going to take another cat nap. 
I love her with all my heart.


Lauren said...

Look at that face! I would love to bestow many a belly rub on Leola.

Andy Dufresne said...

So much adorable fluff!

Nicole said...

Lauren: I think if Leola ever met you, you would automatically become her best friend :)

Jeni Treehugger said...

Oh she's beautiful.

Leigh said...

What a pretty girl she is!


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