Monday, November 1, 2010

November is...

Happy Monday! In case you didn't know already, November is a very special month for us vegans. Why? Because we get to blog our hearts out in honour of Vegan MoFo, the vegan month of food! Originally created by the lovelies behind Post Punk Kitchen, the idea is to write as much as we can all month, about vegan food.

Are you ready to consume loads of vegan baking with me here? I'm ready! (I think. I hope.)

I am going to do my best to post recipes, reviews and other baking tidbits as much as I can. While technically we are supposed to aim for a daily post, I do promise I will have more recipes to share than I usually do, and I am happy to say that I also have a couple of awesome giveaways, too. So stay tuned!

In the meantime, check out Vegan MoFo to see the list of vegan bloggers from all around the world who are also participating in this month's blogathon. There are over 500 of us!


VeganLisa said...

Hey your blog has on a new look for November. I am excited for all your MoFo posts. I'm playing along too this month - 29 posts to go.

Nicole said...

VeganLisa: Ah, yes, I should have mentioned that my blog does have a new look! I'm still tweaking it though (and I can't figure out how to remove the big empty space under the header...argh). This month should be fun :)

organarchy said...

We're looking forward to reading your blog for Vegan MoFo! This is our first year and we're sooo excited!!! It's such an immense project to be a part of. Your Halloween Finger Food looks DELICIOUS!

BunzOfCinnamon said...

Cute blog!

Jeni Treehugger said...

Happy MoFo'ing.

Mihl said...

Your blog is awesome! I'm glad I found it!


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