Posted by Nicole on November 3, 2014
You know how sometimes you realize a simple ingredient in your pantry is not actually totally boring and, in fact, is more versatile and boasts a number of redeeming qualities that you suddenly develop a little crush on it? Yeah, that happened to me. In recent years, I’ve come to see oats in a...
Posted by Nicole on October 27, 2014
My in-laws own a beautiful cottage that sits on a lake at the end of a very long, empty dirt road in northern Ontario. It’s a good hike from Toronto and almost always involves sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic up Highway 400 through Barrie, but the drive is always worth it once we get there. It’s...
Posted by Nicole on October 20, 2014
It took me almost two years to figure out how to make my own flavoured popcorn. That’s a long time to go without popcorn. I’m not just talking about the air-popped, coconut-oil and nooch-sprinkled stuff that has become most people’s movie night treat. It’s the stuff that, much like Cracker Jack, is coated in a crunchy,...
Posted by Nicole on October 16, 2014
Do you like stuff that is awesome? Do you especially like the people who create stuff that is awesome? Good, because I do, too. And today I’m sharing a new awesome thing in the form of a book by the ever-talented Heather Crosby of I recently got a sneak peak of her brand...
Posted by Nicole on October 6, 2014
All of you south of the Canada-US border or other parts of the world may not realize this, but it’s Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend! (I know, it snuck up on me, too.) That means it’s time for fall-themed, crowd-pleasing meals and desserts. Since this website started out as a mostly-desserts blog, I’ve got a ton...