The Oh She Glows Cookbook & a giveaway

The Oh She Glows Cookbook by Angela Liddon

The Canadian cover of The Oh She Glows Cookbook. Photo: Angela Liddon.

After years of impressing her readers with delicious and accessible recipes, the lovely lady behind the popular blog Oh She Glows has released her first cookbook!

Angela’s honest and light-hearted approach to food has influenced readers around the world to eat more plant-based food, and her long-awaited debut cookbook follows that same popular style that brought us Green Monsters, overnight oats and chia pudding. The book features over 100 wholesome recipes, from revamped classics like quick and easy chana masala and raw pumpkin-maple pie with baked oat crust to fresh and inventive snacks and apps like super-power chia bread and glowing strawberry mango guacomole. Plus, there is a full-page photo of almost every recipe, styled and photographed by Angela herself!

Since receiving a copy of the book a few weeks ago, I’ve tried:

Easy Almond Pulp Granola from The Oh She Glows Cookbook | A Dash of Compassion

The easy almond pulp granola from the homemade staples chapter—an amazing way to use up your leftover almond pulp!

Protein Power Goddess Bowl from The Oh She Glows Cookbook | A Dash of Compassion

The protein power goddess bowl from the entrees chapter—this required some prep the night before but made amazing leftovers through the week.

Raw Buckwheat Breakfast Porridge from The Oh She Glows Cookbook | A Dash of Compassion

The raw buckwheat breakfast porridge from the breakfast chapter—a simple breakfast that can be made in just a few minutes.

Salt & Vinegar Roasted Chickpeas from The Oh She Glows Cookbook | A Dash of Compassion

And the salt & vinegar roasted chickpeas from the power snacks chapter—these made my house spell like vinegar (Angela warns us) but the result was fantastic little bites of vinegary goodness.

I may have been a bit over-excited with this book since I also made the gluten-free chocolate-almond brownies from the desserts chapter and the chakra caesar salad with nutty herb croutons from the salads chapter (all since receiving the book a few weeks ago) but I failed to take photos before they were eaten up. My advice: buy the book, and start with the nutty herb croutons on page 296. (You can thank me later.)

Luckily, Angela and Penguin Canada have offered to give away a copy of the cookbook to one ADC reader! Enter using the widget below. I will choose a random winner on Thursday, March 13th. This giveaway is open to Canadian and US residents only. Good luck!

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