Gluten-free raspberry chocolate cake
Can you believe it’s over? I certainly can’t.
I hope you were able to discover some new and fascinating vegan blogs during this month of Vegan Month of Food. It was a great excuse for vegan food bloggers everywhere to get creative with their food, and to cook more, write more, photograph more and to essentially overwhelm my RSS subscription list. I now have even longer bookmark and subscription lists to keep me busy into 2011. I loved this month. And I love the ever-growing vegan community.
With that, I would like to offer you a slice of delicious cake to celebrate all the hard work you have put into posting, cooking, baking, eating, reading and supporting me and the rest of the participating bloggers. I hope you’ll keep coming back for more! This gluten-free raspberry chocolate cake with Alize frosting, adapted from Manifest Vegan (recipe here), is one of the best GF desserts I’ve ever had. You should try it. Right now.
On another note, I was recently asked to join the team of bloggers over at Baking is Hot! Do yourself a favour and hop on over to the website to discover more mouth-watering dessert photos, baking inspiration and recipes from around the world.