Buckwheat: the poster child of all things hippie, wholesome and healthy. Once shunned as merely a bland cereal food known as kasha, it has certainly elevated its status as of late. Excellent both cooked and raw, and paired with any flavours thrown at it, the triangular seeds are frequently made into flour for use in noodles, crepes and many other gluten-free products on the market these days.
Although buckwheat has a deceptive name that can easily cause confusion, buckwheat is not wheat, nor is it related to wheat. It’s a seed! Raw and gluten-free enthusiasts alike are now rejoicing this healthful and versatile ingredient.
My favourite way to use buckwheat is to sprout it, and then turn it into raw treats like these sprouted buckwheat bites. Despite the size of the actual groat, buckwheat is among the fastest growing of all sprouts.
To sprout, simply soak the groats for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly and then place them in a large mason jar fitted with a sprouting lid (or you can use cheesecloth and a rubber band fitted over the jar opening). Place the jar on an angle upside down in a dish rack so excess water can drain from the jar. Allow to sprout for 24 to 36 hours, rinsing twice a day, or until the sprouting tail is as long as the seed.
Once sprouted, buckwheat becomes packed with live enzymes and vital nutrients.
My last two batches of buckwheat sprouts were made into these quick and easy treats. Don’t be intimidated by their miniature size because they pack a substantial punch of deliciousness. The fresh vanilla powder is the star of this flavour show, perfectly balanced by the sweet dried fruit and crunchy buckwheat and hemp seeds.
With these mini bites of energy on hand, you’ll have no problem keeping up with family and friends during summer weekends full of activites like cycling, running and gardening.
A quick reminder: If you haven’t yet signed up for the Treat of the Month Club for the month of May and beyond, you still have time! We’re taking sign-ups until the end of April.
Blog updates: Please note that I’ve added a new category under my recipes menu to include “vegan + gluten-free” and “vegan + raw” for those who are looking specifically for raw and/or gluten-free recipes. I’ve also updated my FAQs section.
Yield: 2 dozen
If you prefer to make buckwheat bars, you can double the recipe and press the dough into a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan lined with parchment paper. Freeze for one hour and then cut into bars.