Move over stevia, we’ve got a new non-glycemic, raw, natural, low-calorie, organic sweetener in the house! Yacon powder, a sugar substitute made from the root of the South American yacon plant, might just have a chance at becoming my new friend. Coined the “apple of the earth,” it seems yacon’s greatest attribute is its naturally high content of inulin, a complex sugar that isn’t digestible and simply passes through the body. It also promotes the production of healthy probiotics within the body, which contribute to better digestion and colon health, and help with the absorption of calcuim and minerals. Because of these benefits, yacon is being promoted as a valuable health food and alternative sweetener.
Yacon powder is lighter in taste than the more popular syrup form, which has a flavour that is often described as a cross between an apple and molasses. Much like brown rice flour in texture, with a yellowish colour reminiscent of the desert, the powder form tastes sweet and starchy, with a fruity undertone. I picked up a box in Kensington market a few weeks ago and it sat on my shelf until I figured out what to do with it (sometimes my inspiration is a slow process). Then I had a revelation: the sweet, fruity flavour of yacon and the richness of dark chocolate chips practically beg for a marriage via cookie combination!
In this recipe, oats and almond meal add a wonderful flavour complexity and the coconut oil gives them a shortbread-like texture, making these a truly remarkable treat. Because yacon is found in the desert, it likes to absorb moisture, so you may notice it clumps very easily once opened. I just run it through my spice grinder before adding it to the rest of the ingredients. I also made my own oat flour and almond meal by grinding whole oats into flour and whole almonds to a fine meal. I hope you enjoy these cookies as much as I do!
Yield: one dozen