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Asparagus herb muffins

Have you ever thought about baking with asparagus? As in grating it up and throwing it in a batch of muffins? Well, that’s what I did yesterday, without hesitation, because these are the kinds of crazy things I do for the SOS Kitchen Challenge.

And boy, was I pleased with the outcome: light, flavourful, herb-scented muffins that are coloured with flecks of red sundried tomatoes and bright green asparagus. And the best part (I know you’ll love this!) is that they’re completely free of all sugars and sugar subsitutes. Yep, no sugar. None. Nadda. Zero. Zilch.

I wouldn’t suggest trying to grate asparagus by hand, unless you want to grate off your finger in the process. It’s much easier to put the grating disc on your food processor and feed the stalks through the feed tube while the processor is running. I used about half a batch of asparagus to get one grated cup full. After they’ve baked and cooled, you can enjoy these colourful treats alongside a big bowl of soup or salad.


Asparagus herb muffins

Yield: one dozen

Asparagus herb muffins


  • 1 cup spelt flour
  • 3/4 cup unbleached flour (or more spelt)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1 cup nondairy milk
  • 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup grated asparagus
  • 1/2 cup chopped sundried tomatoes, soaked until soft


  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the spelt flour, unbleached flour, baking powder, baking soda, basil, oregano and salt. Set aside.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the nondairy milk, vinegar and olive oil.
  3. Pour the liquid mixture into the bowl with the flour mixture and stir just to combine. Fold in the asparagus and sundried tomotoes.
  4. Spoon the batter into an oiled muffin pan, filling each tin 3/4 full. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Allow muffins to cool for about 10 minutes before transferring them to a cooling rack. Store in an air-tight container in the fridge or freezer.

17 Comments Post a comment
  1. vincent  


    We bumped into your blog and we really liked it – great recipes YUM YUM.
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    To add your site to the Petitchef family you can use or just go to and click on "Add your site"

    Best regards,


    April 11, 2011
  2. Noelle  

    Wow, these look savory! Yum!

    April 12, 2011
  3. The Blissful Chef  

    You are so clever! Where do you come up with this great ideas???

    April 12, 2011
  4. Persnickety Hall  

    I never would have thought of anything like this!

    Sooooo printing this out and making these for my next family get together. :)

    April 12, 2011
  5. Mihl  

    I have never baked with asparagus. Sounds intriguing! And I love the addition of dried tomatoes!

    April 12, 2011
  6. Nicole  

    Thanks for the comments everyone! These ideas come about with a lot of daydreaming :)

    April 13, 2011
  7. Ricki  

    And you know how much we appreciate those crazy things you do, right–? ;) These look amazing! The colors are just gorgeous and springlike, and I bet the flavor is outstanding. Thanks so much for another fabulous submission to the SOS Kitchen Challenge this month! :D

    April 13, 2011
  8. Celine  

    they look scrumptious! I occasionally get bored with asparagus, so putting them into muffins sounds like a perfect fit.

    April 14, 2011
  9. Preeti  

    oooh these muffins look really good, will have to make them for my dad one day, since he can't have any sugar, these would be perfect for him!

    April 18, 2011
  10. Julia  

    What a lovely blog! Exactly what I've been looking for — baking tips and not sweet recipes for vegans. Thank you!

    I am also looking for recipes with the pulp left after vegetable juice (I figured out what to do with fruit pulp but vegetable is too dry). Any ideas?

    April 20, 2011
  11. Nicole  

    Julia: Thanks for the compliment! :)

    I juse leftover pulp to make veg soup broth.

    April 20, 2011
  12. bitt  

    these sound pretty good, and i'm not a huge asperagus person.

    hmm, beware petitchef. they took my RSS feed from me and it wasn't sending me any traffic.

    April 21, 2011
  13. Nicole  

    Bitt: You should give asparagus another try!

    I've had a few invites from petitchef but I'm weary of giving free content to those kinds of sites. Thanks for the warning.

    April 21, 2011
  14. Johanna GGG  

    lovely muffins – great colours – though I wonder if I could just finely chop the asparagus rather than getting out a food processor

    May 3, 2011
  15. Nicole  

    Johanna: Thanks! I'm sure if you chop it up finely it would work just as well.

    May 3, 2011
  16. Junia  

    ahhh i love this idea! i love healthy vegan baking! found your blog thru this asparagus challenge. :) will be back for more! come out mine too when you get a chance!

    May 3, 2011
  17. Nicole  

    Junia: Thanks for visiting! I love healthy vegan baking, too :)

    May 4, 2011

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